Friday, September 11, 2009
3 Costly mistakes to Avoid when choosing a Marketing Firm
2. Don't base your choice solely on price- cheaper doesn't mean better. If you have a low budget, consider choosing a firm that focuses just on publicity and PR methods to get the word out about your business. Don't choose one where advertising is their main suggestions. That will cost you!
3. See if the firm you choose is interested in working with you for the long haul. Find one that will not only tell you the best way to expand your business, but one who will implement it as well. New strategies should be part of their monthly commitment to you!
It's important that both parties work well together to achieve all the goals needed. Choose wisely and get the best return on investment you can!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Things to keep in mind when designing a website
The Result?
I clicked off of their site, went to the next website on my list and found a site that wasn't completely dominated by flash. They gained a client.
Websites that are designed for everyone, that have a balance of bells and whistles and that serve your business are far better than ones that have all the latest in gadgets.
At OutRight Communications, we deliver website quotes based on what you need, but we also employ logic when it comes to reaching your target market. The last thing we want is for you to lose prospective clients when you could be signing them up!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
At your Beck and Call
When you run a business it's very important to decide how much time you can devote to your clients and when that time is to be given. If you are in the middle of something very important, don't be scared to tell them " I'm sorry but I'm going to have to put you on hold or call you back." So many business owners feel bad about saying those words and get worried that because they don't jump for their clients,that they will lose them. When you run a business you need to be the one to decide your schedule, especially if you are juggling many clients at once.
So what can you do to make your clients know and understand that your time is just as important to them?
Put processes into place for answering emails- perhaps setting it up to check every 10 minutes or so, that way you aren't distracted when you are working. Emails can usually wait to be answered. You can even decide to just check them every few hours, when you need a break from the project you are working on. And prioritize them. Often a client will send an email, and then realize they forgot to mention items. The next thing you know you have five emails referencing the one item they wanted to talk about. Sometimes it pays to wait.
Let your clients know that you are taking time out to set up meetings just for them. If they miss the time or don't show up, offer to reschedule. But keep in mind that you need to determine when the meeting can take place. This is your business, you need to keep control of the time that you are investing.
Let your clients know that you might not get back to them until the next day. If they need a project done immediately let them know that you may be adding a "rush" charge to their invoice because they may have had to bump other clients.
Give your clients as much advance warning as you can about upcoming vacations and who to contact so they aren't left wondering what is going on when your emails go unanswered.
We have all become slaves to technology. Every time the email alert beeps or the phone rings we are desperate to jump on it, just in case we miss something.
It takes 20 minutes for your brain to reset itself after it stops to open an email or answer the phone. That time can add up.
It's okay to go at your own pace. You will have better service and quality if you take the time to work in the best manner that suits you and your employees.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Personal Publicity
It was a nice, clean, well formatted list of what you had accomplished in your working life thus far.
So does your resume with updated accomplishments still look the same as it did all those years ago?
If it does you might have a problem.
With the digital age comes the ability to have a much stronger resume. Instead of simply listing what you’ve done, you can now maintain a portfolio of work with ease. Your resume and portfolio reflect what you have successfully accomplished, and can include any media you may have garnered and some examples of your work. Avoid flash without substance but use digital mediums to show instead of tell your prospective employer the benefits of hiring you.
At OutRight Communications we write and edit comprehensive resumes, and CV’s to compliment any portfolio. If you want to have it done right- call us.
OutRight Communications is a marketing, design and PR firm that can skillfully craft your public image. Our team works together to ensure that your message is delivered to the public, whatever your message may be. We specialize in long term image crafting, publicity, web & graphic design, press releases & media interviews, author services & book publicity, media buys, and creative writing. Get in touch today to solve your media problems!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Publicity Tip - Embrace your fans
A brick and mortar company is bound by the limits of its storage capacity. It can’t sell 500 000 cds because it can’t afford to have 500 000 cds on hand. This is an undeniable fact. But if you move online, you can exploit a limitless amount of inventory. Since buyers expect to wait a day or so for shipping the product, you can store those cds in a cheap warehouse. It can cost money to have a single cd under the bright lights and watchful eyes of a salesman in a store, but mere cents in simple warehouse.
The Long Tail by Chris Anderson goes into depth about what if means for the future of businesses. If you want your business to flourish in the digital age, I’d recommend this book. The general gist is this – as we move forward, the brick and mortar stores simply won’t be able to compete with the online retailers’ endless stock and cheap pricing. Instead of economics based on scarcity, it’s economics based on abundance. Chris goes over what it means from the supply chain end and what it means from the consumer end, but he doesn’t have the chance to cover the impact it has on the marketing.
So what does this change mean for you?
You need to work on marketing your product with more than ads. Ads should always be used in addition to an actual marketing plan. Online sales are generated by the most trusted and most publicized by fans of the product. That’s we why suggest embracing your fans. Try utilizing a message board, a testimonial form for them to fill out, exercise your social media tools and use publicity. Show off the satisfied people who are urging everyone to buy what you are selling. People are passionate about what they spend their money on. Let your fans work for you and give them the tools to help sell your company.
OutRight Communications is a marketing, design and PR firm that can skillfully craft your public image. Our team works together to ensure that your message is delivered to the public, whatever your message may be. We specialize in long term image crafting, publicity, web & graphic design, press releases & media interviews, author services & book publicity, media buys, and creative writing. Get in touch today to solve your media problems!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
An every day question list
Losing the big picture isn’t fun. Spending your days chasing clients you don’t want, readers that won’t buy your book or sending emails that lead to nothing will suck the soul from your business in a hurry.
If you can answer these positively every day, things are going to be going well
- Why am I doing this? How will this help me sell my product? If you don’t have a good answer, stop and move on to something else.
- Is this the correct long term plan? Are all my actions geared towards the best long term results?
- What can I do today that will help make me a house hold name tomorrow?
- Spend a moment to remember who your target clients are. Are you consistently working to attract them?
- Remember what makes your product unique and focus on that area
4 questions, one focal point. It's all you need.
OutRight Communications is a marketing, design and PR firm that can skillfully craft your public image. Our team works together to ensure that your message is delivered to the public, whatever your message may be. We specialize in long term image crafting, publicity, web & graphic design, press releases & media interviews, author services & book publicity, media buys, and creative writing. Get in touch today to solve your media problems!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
What we're reading
As a follow up to our previous post on Staying Ahead of the Curve, here’s a list of what I’m currently reading to do just that:
The Strategy Paradox by Michael E. Raynor
An excellent book, although very dry at times, about how companies should be planning for the future. Filled with information for all levels of management and employee, it’s a great read if you want to know how to plan for the future. The key point is that what makes a business successful, its innovation, risk-taking and going against the status quo, is the same qualities we find in unsuccessful businesses. Shows us how to balance risk taking and mediocrity so we end up producing the mp3 player instead of the mini-disk player while giving you ways to avoid this.
Small is the New Big by Seth Godin
A nice collection of musing by the godfather of digital marketing. Filled with blog posts, Seth covers many issues, some important, some not on marketing and running a business. Not a cover to cover read, but a great book to have handy for some tidy inspiration
Re-reading my favorite book on one of my favorite Presidents. Morris spins this biography to the point where you’d swear you were reading a fictional tale. And you have to love how Roosevalt is the last president to ever knife a cougar to death. He was also the inspiration for teddy bears. All in all, it’s a great book to learn some history and the writing style is simply incredible for a biography.
Following in the lines of many incredibly different books, Pygmy doesn’t disappoint. Written in a very, very strange manner, Pygmy is a fun read once you get used to the wordings. Another great book by Chuck.
OutRight Communications is a marketing, design and PR firm that can skillfully craft your public image. Our team works together to ensure that your message is delivered to the public, whatever your message may be. We specialize in long term image crafting, publicity, web & graphic design, press releases & media interviews, author services & book publicity, media buys, and creative writing. Get in touch today to solve your media problems!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Lebron James, Kobe Bryant and poor strategy
Why it’s important to never put all your eggs in one basket
This years NBA finals had a potential dream match up for the NBA. With the favorites to meet in the final being the leagues two biggest stars, marketing execs were drooling at the chance to put these two at the forefront. These two athletes, Kobe Bryant and LeBron James, are constantly rated as some of the worlds most famous individuals, recognized in all corners of the globe. They commanded immense amounts of extra security at the Olympics; they have both been featured in documentaries, books and on more magazine covers than one could conceivably count. Since both teams were heavily favored to meet in the finals and breezed through the first few rounds, the ad campaigns started early. Nike, Vitamin Water, ESPN and even the NBA itself started to promote this “dream” match-up. Everyone with a vested financial interest had decided that the Lakers and the Cavaliers would be meeting in the finals and they all hedged their ad campaigns on this. Unfortunately, sports don’t go to script that nicely and LeBrons team never made it as far as everyone thought they would. When the Orlando Magic, led by fellow Olympian Dwight Howard, ran up against the Cavilers, they were victorious in a mere 6 games. This led to having just
Nike and Vitamin Water, two companies who have become synonymous with great ads for the world of sports, failed terribly this time around. The two companies hedged all their campaigns during the most watched games of the year around a possibility. Yes, it was a likely one, but far from a guarantee. Now these companies are scrambling to get out relevant ads as well as doing some damage control over their lack of anything Orlando Magic based.
It’s important to position yourself to take advantage of likely events, which Nike did in this case. Both
It’s a very simple lesson too, a cliché we all learnt when we were young – don’t put all your eggs in one basket. It’s fine and quite advantageous to put more weight on the future you see as most likely, but if your campaigns are based on something as unpredictable as the sporting world, make sure you spread your eggs out. Adidas didn't even bother competing with this idea and has completely blanked on running ads for the superstar who took down James, Dwight Howard. And when you're buying into your competitors hype machine, that's never a good sign.
But for a company as big as Nike, it’s ok to take a big risk and fail occasionally. But for a small company, this type of error can be devastating. So next time you’re reviewing your marketing, think about what you’re relying on. Make sure you are relying on things that will come true. It’s true that you can always bet on death and taxes, but you can also always safely bet on sunshine in July, snow in February and hockey year round in
OutRight Communications is a marketing, design and PR firm that can skillfully craft your public image. Our team works together to ensure that your message is delivered to the public, whatever your message may be. We specialize in long term image crafting, publicity, web & graphic design, press releases & media interviews, author services & book publicity, media buys, and creative writing. Get in touch today to solve your media problems!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
A Case Study in Terrible Advertising:
I can picture the 50 year old Ad execs of Coors now… “I know! We will run an ad making a reference to that popular FaceBook site! Kids love that place!” Correct they were. Kids of all ages do love that place. FaceBook has been a massive success and leveraging an ad campaign with reference to it is almost a sure fire hit. Unfortunately, they referenced one of the worst things about FaceBook.
The Poke feature on FaceBook is ridiculed in the majority of social circles, mocked by internet commentators and is generally frowned upon by the users of FaceBook. Site users have made valiant attempts to rid the site of this feature, calling it “childish, lame and a waste of space.” The only thing keeping it alive is FaceBook’s stubborn love of their original project. This isn’t anything I would want my brand referencing in a positive light. With a little more research and a little more time spent talking to actual FaceBook users, and Coors could have had a much stronger advertising campaign. “Get poked in real life” is a much better reference than “I’m the creepy guy who pokes people late a night” (on FaceBook of course).
OutRight Communications is a marketing, design and PR firm that can skillfully craft your public image. Our team works together to ensure that your message is delivered to the public, whatever your message may be. We specialize in long term image crafting, publicity, web & graphic design, press releases & media interviews, author services & book publicity, media buys, and creative writing. Get in touch today to solve your media problems!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Grow Your Market Share
The doom and gloom newspaper writers and anchormen want you to believe that you have no hope against the economic down turn. That there is nothing you can do but grab onto something solid and hold on. They are wrong. Very, very wrong. For the wise, far-sighted, strategic business owners, this slow down is a blessing. Why? Because you can be smarter than your competitors. Market share is up for grabs, it's time to position yourself properly.
Many businesses are slashing their marketing budgets, filling the airwaves with horrendously poor ads. This illogical response to declining revenue has opened the door for you. Instead of cutting your budget or allowing an ad that looks cheap to represent your business, it's time to develop your brand. Take the step and allow professionals to manage your public image. Put a stop to the terrible ad campaigns your near-sighted competitors are doing and remember that your brand image is with you for the long run. Here in Edmonton, radio stations are struggling to sell ad space, something that should never be happening! Use your marketing budget wisely and get your name out. Expand your marketing to make sure your business is always growing. Becoming a house hold name means you'll always be busy. So why are you not taking steps to become a house hold name?
Watching an hour of T.V makes this point very easy to see. Corporate giants like Apple, Microsoft, Nike, Disney and McDonalds are producing the same high quality ads they always have been. The leaders of those companies know that everyone is weaker right now, which means market share is up for grabs. By promoting yourself with high quality ads, you can stand out much easier during a recession than during the boom years. If your competitors have cut their ad budgets, you have the opportunity to capture the market. Now is the time to make yourself a house hold name, when your competition can’t compete.
OutRight Communications is a marketing, design and PR firm that can skillfully craft your public image. Our team works together to ensure that your message is delivered to the public, whatever your message may be. We specialize in long term image crafting, publicity, web & graphic design, press releases & media interviews, author services & book publicity, media buys, and creative writing. Get in touch today to solve your media problems!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
What do you mean growth doesn't last forever?

- Take this time to re-set the foundation of your business. If you overstretched yourself during the boom years, take this time to re-establish yourself around your home base.
- Get market research done to ensure your ads are reaching your target market.
- Re-connect with your best customers; establish a relationship that will help both of you prepare for sustained growth.
- Take this time to make sure your business is running as efficiently as possible.
- Design new ways to distribute, manage, or create your product.
- If the days at work aren't as busy as they used to be, take advantage of the slow times by networking with others in the field, fix bridges you may have burnt in mad attempts to get that order filled during the boom.
- Create and establish a public image that ensures your phone will never stop ringing, boom or bust.
You couldn't do those things doing the boom, but you sure can now. A recession is not the end of the world. It's an opportunity to re-set your business for growth in the years to come.
OutRight Communications is a marketing, design and PR firm that can skillfully craft your public image. Our team works together to ensure that your message is delivered to the public, whatever your message may be. We specialize in long term image crafting, publicity, web & graphic design, press releases & media interviews, author services & book publicity, media buys, and creative writing. Get in touch today to solve your media problems!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Beating Goliath
Malcolm Gladwells latest article for the New Yorker is, like everything else that flows from his finger tips, a golden piece of literature. The incredibly successful author of The Tipping Point, Blink and Outliers recently jumped into the land of the underdog. His article uncovers a fascinating trend.
- Political scientist Ivan Arreguin-Toft has studied every war fought in the last 200 years that featured an overwhelming military favorite. As predicted, the favorites won in over 70% of the wars. But what makes his study worth mentioning, is that when the underdog embraced their weakness and chose unconventional strategies, they won. Convincingly. In fact, over 60% of the time, when the underdogs did what only the underdog could do, they won. This trend is not limiting just to the battle field, but is similarly found in sports, software engineering, and other games of strategy.
So what does this mean for you?
Well, there are two messages you can take home from this article.
1) If you are the little guy on the block, you can win. In fact, if you welcome the opportunities that being the underdog presents, odds are you will win. You just have to have more passion, more drive, and a stronger commitment than the big guy.
2) You must do things differently than the Goliath. This matters most to marketing. Goliath is known by everyone after they watch their first hour of T.V and spend a day reading billboards. You have to be creative with your media presence. Don’t fight Goliath by using T.V ads and radio placement, hit them quietly. Use local events, the internet, and the press as your key weapons in battle. Embrace viral and guerrilla marketing tactics. Allow your inner David to take charge and take down Goliath, one step at a time.
And if you get discouraged remember you don’t become a giant without spending time as the small guy first. McDonalds, Starbucks, and Blockbuster all started out as local Mom and Pop stores. Produce a quality product while using effective marketing and one day you’ll be fighting off challengers.
OutRight Communications is a marketing, design and PR firm that can skillfully craft your public image. Our team works together to ensure that your message is delivered to the public, whatever your message may be. We specialize in long term image crafting, publicity, web & graphic design, press releases & media interviews, author services & book publicity, media buys, and creative writing. Get in touch today to solve your media problems!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Staying Ahead of The Curve
- Mark Twain
Mark Twain said and wrote a lot of great things, but none of them resound with businesses today quite like this one. The Internet has fundamentally and drastically changed the way the world works, yet most of us received our education in a pre-Internet world. Have you taken the time to learn how to grow your business using the Internet?
Reading books and blogs about this new, digital business age can help turn your project from small to huge. Taking the time to learn how to grow your online presence and attract clients and readers without using traditional advertising, can save your budget and create a ripple effect of growth.
Make it your goal to spend a couple of hours every week to not only keep up to date on your industry, but to also take the time to learn what you didn’t learn in school. Go get your Learn about becoming more productive through Step into the minds of New York Times best selling authors and Internet gurus at and
The business world is constantly evolving; shouldn't your education be as well?
Mark Guest is the director of Social Media for OutRight communications
OutRight Communications is a marketing, design and PR firm that can skillfully craft your public image. Our team works together to ensure that your message is delivered to the public, whatever your message may be. We specialize in long term image crafting, publicity, web & graphic design, press releases & media interviews, author services & book publicity, media buys, and creative writing. Get in touch today to solve your media problems!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Inspiration Injection
This nagging project is on your task list, yet you are STILL looking at that blank screen or page with no ideas in sight. Sure, a brilliant idea MAY pop into your head at 3 a.m. – but deadlines can’t always wait!
Here are some techniques to spark creative ideas, ready for when YOU need them:
- Brainstorm without boundaries. Sketch ideas. Let your mind wander to extremes, and write everything that comes to mind – good, bad or ugly. Sometimes even a bad idea can be the catalyst to a GREAT idea.
- Take a mind-vacation. Like the watched pot that never boils, great concepts often can’t be forced. Take a break. Call a friend to chat about her day, bake a cake, work on another project, go for a walk on the beach, … Take your mind off the task at hand by working on something completely unrelated, and the solution may pop out at you!
- Adjust your perspective. After a break, take a fresh look at the project. Putting yourself in the shoes of someone perceiving it for the first time can often shed new light on it. What does the new perspective show you?
OutRight Communications is a marketing, design and PR firm that can skillfully craft your public image. Our team works together to ensure that your message is delivered to the public, whatever your message may be. We specialize in long term image crafting, publicity, web & graphic design, press releases & media interviews, author services & book publicity, media buys, and creative writing. Get in touch today to solve your media problems!
Friday, April 3, 2009
The right space to create
You don't have to be a believer in Feng Shui to realize that facing a window is much nicer than facing a wall. At OutRight Communications, our business is built on opening the creative mind to all kinds of stimuli, and if the space we are in doesn't help us write and design- then we don't have a business!!
So take a little time to really think out your floor plan and how you want your business to run. Simple things like making a change to a wireless keyboard and mouse so you feel less constricted is one way to feel a little more freedom from your computer. Placing plants (real or fake) around you, or having a favourite inspirational poem in front of you can keep you focused and energized to work.
And most of all- don't eat your lunch at your desk!! Resist the temptation to work on your lunch break. You need that time to step back and out of your work- both your brain and body will thank you!
OutRight Communications is a marketing, design and PR firm that can skillfully craft your public image. Our team works together to ensure that your message is delivered to the public, whatever your message may be. We specialize in long term image crafting, publicity, web & graphic design, press releases & media interviews, author services & book publicity, media buys, and creative writing. Get in touch today to solve your media problems!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Auxiliary Revenue for your Business
Have you ever considered writing a book, an e-book, recording an audio cd or hosting a tele-course? How about giving speaking presentations about the topics your business offers?
Even though you are in business to sell products or services, have you thought about alternative ways to generate auxiliary revenue?
Having a product that is an extension of your current business can be very lucrative. It is also another way to get out in the public, without requiring extensive work. At least after the initial creation of the products are mapped out. Just by simply adding them to your shopping cart on your website can generate interest and make it easy for prospective clients to see all the products you produce. You can then ring in the sales while you’re sleeping!
So come on – make a list right now of all the possible products that you can develop today and start making more money!
OutRight Communications is a marketing, design and PR firm that can skillfully craft your public image. Our team works together to ensure that your message is delivered to the public, whatever your message may be. We specialize in long term image crafting, publicity, web & graphic design, press releases & media interviews, author services & book publicity, media buys, and creative writing. Get in touch today to solve your media problems!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
What to look for in a Book Editor
Whatever you write, it is really important to have someone edit or critique your work. You need to develop a thick skin and learn to take the criticism. You don't always have to agree with their comments, but you must try to separate yourself from your personal and emotional ties to the project and be open minded to change. Another set of eyes can make the difference between publication and your work sitting in a drawer somewhere.
At Outright Communications our editors not only work on book manuscripts, we also edit resumes and curriculum vitae, ad copy, web copy, media and speaker kits, press releases, press pitches, brochures, and marketing and publicity plans.
We have the patience, a high capacity for detail, and the inspiration it takes to complete projects on time and to the client's specifications.
Working on book manuscripts is exciting for us because we build a relationship with the author and we get to play a hand in the final outcome of someones imagination. If you have a manuscript that you would like us to look at, by all means give us a call- it is a solid investment!
Whatever your project might be- small or big- give us a call 780-406-8045
OutRight Communications is a marketing, design and PR firm that can skillfully craft your public image. Our team works together to ensure that your message is delivered to the public, whatever your message may be. We specialize in long term image crafting, publicity, web & graphic design, press releases & media interviews, author services & book publicity, media buys, and creative writing. Get in touch today to solve your media problems!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
New Facebook Page!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The Perils of Self Publishing
OutRight Communications is a marketing, design and PR firm that can skillfully craft your public image. Our team works together to ensure that your message is delivered to the public, whatever your message may be. We specialize in long term image crafting, publicity, web & graphic design, press releases & media interviews, author services & book publicity, media buys, and creative writing. Get in touch today to solve your media problems!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Google changes Publishing
( For the complete story please check out Grace Westcott's article in the Globe and Mail on Googleopoly- Feb 21, 2009)
So what does this mean for the average author? Well if your book was digitized before May 5 , 2009- with a U.S copyright which includes Canadians your check might soon be in the mail after you fill in all the paperwork- and there is alot so don't waste time!
In regards to promotion, after all of the dust settles it will change publishing, but the overall approach to book publicity will simply have to adjust to the new rules. If every consumer might be able to preview parts of books free of charge, or view them with a small purchase- or worse- be able to cut and paste parts of books to wherever you want. That might actually help book publicity. The new database that Google is offering is staggering and all book promoters are going to have to do their homework to keep up with the implications of this new massive digitization of books.
Of course the publicists at OutRight Communications are always on top of these groundbreaking decisions- so stay tuned for the latest news- and sign up for our e-zine!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Kindle 2 Ignites Questions about Book Publicity
Kindle 2 and other wireless readers like Cybook are just the latest products in the e- book revolution that are changing the way books are being read.
There is something a bit strange about having to recharge a book, and there are benefits to certain segments of society, but it does present challenges for book promotion and publicity. Now it's just not a question of putting your book on the shelf, how can you publicize a book when it's wedged in between the newspapers, blogs, and magazines on the Kindle 2?
At OutRight Communications, we understand that the face of publishing is changing and that the old marketing plans and tricks of the trade are becoming as outdated as quickly as the paper they were printed on.
Authors now need to look to new ways to promote their books with viral campaigns and more unconventional methods to get people to download their work and keep coming back for more. That is if you can even be chosen to have a place amidst the New York Bestsellers. Mid list authors are the ones who will pay a price for this movement in technology.
Hiring a book publicist who understands the industry and who can focus on one book at a time is going to be a necessity. It will also free up time from researching the most effective publicity methods to use.Letting a publicist do that work will mean that they also have the resources and connections to come up with the right way to market the product.
If you are interested in discussing what might work for you, our book publicity services include a non-fiction literary agent, and book publicist services, book tours, booksigning and launch coordination with bookstores. We also offer unique insight to the world of e-books on the internet.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
OutRight Communications Sponsor of the Get Publishing Conference 2009
Hear directly from our marketing and design experts on ways to maximize your books potential. Our panelists will answer your questions about finding an agent/publisher and marketing your book, showcase winning book strategies; and we will specifically to five randomly chosen proposals.
For a chance to be one of the five, send a one page book proposal or marketing plan to
At our workshop you'll receive valuable tips and and discover dos and dont's for making your book a lucrative venture.
We are looking forward to seeing and meeting all the wonderful writers and publishers that Edmonton has to offer!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Book Expo Closes- Pressure on Authors to Promote their books Rises
With the closing of Toronto's Book Expo Canada by Reed Exhibitions, the pressure is on the authors for book promotion.
With so many books and only a handful of book publicists at each of the large traditional publishers,authors are now looking for alternative ways to get the word out about their product.
Many Traditional book trade shows are now in jeopardy as publishers downsize to pull the focus on their own literary events, and smaller book publishers are feeling the pinch in their marketing budgets.
That's where OutRight Communications can fill the gap. By outsourcing book publicity to our company, publishers and authors can benefit by receiving individualized attention to their books.
OutRight Communications is now offering the most complete author services in Canada from manuscript development to editing to putting a deal on the table with a publisher.
Not only that, but we offer a personal book publicist, full book promotion, the booking of tours, and we'll even drive the author to their book signings!
With venues like the Toronto Book Expo closing- authors are going to need to take a really close look at their marketing plans to ensure that their book doesn't die on the shelf.
Check out our new services including our partnership with a non-fiction literary agent!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Weather the Storm- How to Succeed through an Economic Downturn
With all the negative publicity going on in the world about the economy, it’s difficult not to get depressed. But don’t let it get you down so much that you end up sitting around watching businesses fold around you waiting for your turn. Don’t wait to see what might happen, now is the time to be positive and focus on gaining new clients.
Before launching OutRight Communications, I was laid off from my job as a Marketing Manager at a magazine publishing company. They had ceased their publication and I was expecting my first child. At the time, I thought all the doors to new opportunities had suddenly closed. That situation eerily relates to the current economy with employee lay offs and businesses closing their doors. What do you do when it seems so bleak?
Back then, I thought no one was going to hire me with my continually expanding stomach. While I went through the motions of applying for jobs and going to interviews, I was also trying to conceal my situation. Now that I look back, I wonder what I was thinking. The chances were slim that anyone was going to hire me in the position that I was in.
Then it came to me! Develop myself as a person and get back to doing what I did best. Marketing. So I took the plunge and opened a home-based marketing and design firm, OutRight Communications, so I could spend time with my little one.
And you know what? I got through that tough time. I’m not saying it was easy, but it was a risk I needed to take. Now four years later with my second child almost 8 months old, the business has moved out of my home, into an office location, and I now have 4 full time and 3 part time staff. The business is a success!
My advice? Weather the Storm. Start thinking big and NEVER give up! Develop yourself and your skills and talents, grow your business, take calculated risks, and face challenges without fear. Most importantly, have a positive outlook for the future, no matter how bleak it may look. Don’t ignore what’s happening in the real world around you, just be practical, and make good choices. That’s what life AND business is all about!
This year, I’ve made it my mission to make this year the best year that we have had yet in business. Realistically, can this happen with the way people are tightening their purses while they wait to see what happens next with the economy?
At this point, it’s anyone’s guess. But, as long as I have BIG goals and stick to them– anything is possible, right? How do I plan on making this happen?
By adapting my business practices and looking at fresh ideas and tactics.
I’m focusing on how to reach customers who
1.) Can’t afford our services and 2.) Don’t want to outsource marketing and design activities, and who instead want to do everything themselves.
Why am I going to do this? So I can show others how to do things the ‘right way’ so they come to us BEFORE they try to do all their projects themselves and become frustrated and angry at the wasted hours and extra costs– all because they thought they were going to save money.
One of the ways we will reach these types of individuals is through our Do-it-Yourself Interactive Workshops, speaking engagements, and by teaching courses at colleges, conferences, and universities.
As one component of our overall marketing strategy, we will be targeting a market that may not have otherwise invested money with us.
Other avenues we are exploring include sponsoring events, seeking like-minded partners, and joining memberships that our primary target audience is present at, using the media and article submissions to get the word out about our firm, and finally, spending time on our company marketing on a regular basis.
Don’t forget- customers need you now more than ever so their businesses will survive. As a business owner, you must be proactive- not reactive. Steal the market by doing as much marketing for your business as possible. While your competition is putting a pause on marketing waiting to see what ‘might’ happen- this is your chance to make it big!
If you need help with marketing your business contact us at: 780.406.8045.
Visit: and sign up for our E-ZINE for marketing tips and for our FREE Report: 5 Simple Strategies for INSTANT Exposure!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Agents and Publicity- the perfect combination
So this week we are thrilled to announce that we are now partnering with Brian Wood, a Literary Agent from Vancouver. Never before has book publicity, marketing, and design been combined with the skills of a literary agent to help writers and authors those final steps into the world of publishing.
Now OutRight Communications can offer something to writers that hasn't been done before- all the steps to take from the printed word to a deal on the table.
Some of Brian's latest books include:
Memphis Blues BBQ, Whitecap ( April 2008- and was #1 on the BC bestseller list for over 3 weeks- and has now sold out it's first printing)
Where People Feast: Arsenal Pulp Press- April 2007
Why the Leafs Stink: Al Strachan, HarperCollins- August 2009
Crazy Hockey Dad: Bob McKenzie, John Wiley- September 2009
A Life in the News: Tony Parsons, Harbour- October 2009
Brian's specialty is non-fiction and he's very excited about working with the team at Outright Communications, and we reciprocate the feelings.
2009 is a bold new year for the world of books and business. Make sure you join us:
Sign up for our new e-zine at!